What year were you established? 2015
Specific Breed of Animal: Cows are Jersey/Jersey X ; Chickens are Novegen Red Sexlink
Organic(certified or organic practices)? We are not certified organic. However we avoid using any pesticides on our pastures and livestock. We feed only hay that has not had chemicals applied to the crop or that is certified organic.
100% Grass-Fed? Cows- Yes ; Chickens- On pasture during the growing season and fed sprouted barley during the winter! Types of grass are ryegrass, brome, orchard grass, fescue, timothy, native grasses, blue grass, clover, alfalfa, oat hay or other cereal hay
Where does your feed come from? All chicken feed ingredients are grown locally in the inland northwest. Laying hens are outside on movable trailers during the summer where they can forage on pasture as much as desired